But really, this is becoming a huge problem for me. When I am working on something, I can get about a good solid 5 mins of work in before something else comes along and distracts me. It is getting really bad. REALLY BAD.
No. Seriously. It's B-A-D.
When I took my shower this morning, I forgot to wash my goddamn hair.
So there I am, with 7 mins to spare before I gotta catch the bus blowdrying my hair and trying to figure out why it looks so weird. Then I touched it and realized it did not feel like clean hair. I took a minute to see if I could remember actually washing my hair... before yelling out "Oh shit. You stupid fuckwit, you forgot to wash your hair!"
So it's 7:54am and there I am, fully clothed with my head in the sink trying to keep the shampoo out of my eyes.

I'm pretty sure I made this exact face this morning. Minus the binky. (I heard a mom call it that before. Is that wrong? Kinda sounds wrong... like... morally so.)
Oh, you laugh now. But guess who got to work with 5 mins to spare, bitches?
That's right. ME. I may be a complete moron sometimes, but I really can pull off feats of incredible amazingness.