They are only the COOLEST lights I have EVER seen! I want them so bad. It will make my Christmukkah celebration complete! (Hey, I celebrated Christmukkah WAY before the OC was on, so don't even go there, jerks.) ANYWAYS, I totally want them. However, they are not sold in the stores so I was all prepared to order them online when... GASP!!! To my horror, I discovered that they do not ship to Canada!
This is an injustice. I'm never going to find these anywhere else! Crud. SO MUCH FOR THE GOOD TIMES I WOULD HAVE HAD WITH MY NEW HANUKKAH LIGHTS. Target sucks so hard right now. So hard.
As if you can't just whip down there again!
But they are not sold in the stores! Only online, yo. But it's okay. I think I found a place on Oak street that might have some similar ones. Woot!
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