If one were to take the time to repair the flux capacitor to travel back in time to the last time we voted, you would be able to see how excited I was about voting. Whoa! What's this? We can do so without the aid of a time travelling device? Magnificent!
Flash back to the present. I AM STILL REALLY FRIGGIN EXCITED ABOUT VOTING!!!!!!!!!! I brought my election card to work with me so that I don't even have to stop back at home for 5 seconds to grab it. I can just get off the bus and GO VOTE! I'm even going to take a different bus home so I can walk to the polling station on the way to my house! THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME.
I was totally going to make some coffee this morning, but then I was all, "WAIT. It is Election Day. I am so not going to need it, as I will be high... on DEMOCRACY!" And I am. I totally am.
Now I just have to debate whether or not I will choose to enforce the 3 hours of voting time rule so that I can jam outta here half an hour early.
We went this morning and I don't think I'm overstating if I say that it was GLORIOUS. I enjoyed myself. I took my time, made a big black 'X' in my candidate's bubble and gleefully slipped my ballot into the ballot box. It was class-A, democratic nerd fun!
It was SO FUN!!!! I am very pleased that the person I voted for won the seat in my riding. It was awesome!
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